This February it is eight years since we opened our Worcestershire Breast Unit doors!
Happy Birthday Worcestershire Breast Unit 

Today, our amazing Unit continues to lead the way in UK breast care services and we cannot thank our phenomenal NHS Worcestershire breast care teams for achieving this.
The Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven charity sits within the Unit and we are here to raise funds over and above what the NHS can fund. Our charity needs to raise at least £200,000 per year to provide the support and care needed for our women and men in Worcestershire through their treatment for breast cancer.
Amongst this, our WBUH charity is currently funding a metastatic breast care nurse, complementary therapies for patients and specialist equipment.
Happy 8th Birthday Worcestershire Breast Unit! 

If you would like to make a donation to the work of the Worcestershire Breast Unit, please contact Lexi: