
We are highly reliant on the help of volunteers to increase awareness and raise funds for Worcestershire Breast Unit charity.  Whether you can spare a few hours a month or on a more occasional basis, we really appreciate your support.

Our volunteers allow us to help spread the word about what our charity offers and the support available, take part in events and organise small ones of our own, and of course raise those all-important funds to ensure we can continue to provide free support to the women and men of Worcestershire for their breast care needs.

Volunteering opportunities can include:

  • Event volunteer
  • Event organiser 
  • Gift Gatherer
  • Bucket collector
  • Charity Stand volunteer
  • Pink October Ambassador

If you would be interested in supporting us as a Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven volunteer, please get in touch either by calling the office number (01905 733 786) or emailing clare.stokes3@nhs.net 

Below you’ll find some thoughts from a few of our current volunteers on working with Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven:

Tracie Borwick

“I’ve been fortunate enough myself not to have been affected by this horrific disease, however, like the saying goes “everybody knows somebody” and with so many of my closest friends undergoing treatment and being supported by Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven, when the opportunity arose to get involved in supporting the charity I didn’t hesitate.  It’s allowed me to unleash my creative side, creating WBUH Christmas tree displays for Worcester Cathedral Christmas tree events, and also attending and volunteering at events.  I personally find that volunteering is an uplifting and rewarding experience and it allows me to give something back,  I’ve made some fantastic friends and met some truly inspirational people which is why I enjoy it so much!”

Helen Gagen

“Volunteering for Worcestershire Breast Unit Haven is rewarding in many ways.  Not only do you help to raise funds for a really worthy cause but you also get to meet some amazing people. I have volunteered at several events now and also held my own online raffle.  If you are looking for a charity to help raise funds for, WBUH are a great choice!”

Diane Price

“I love volunteering for WBUH as I get to go to some amazing locations and events.  I could be at the Symphony Hall in Birmingham one week and Worcester Rugby Football Club the following week.  I meet so many new and interesting people from all walks of life.  People assume I have had breast cancer as I volunteer for the charity, I haven’t, anyone can register their interest in becoming a volunteer.”